Nutritional Beef – High Quality Beef

Have you ever thought about the kind of meat that you are eating on daily basis. Meats that are not nutrient dense meats. We are bringing to our community, nutritional beef that is not eighty percent water. Read more to learn more on what kind of beef you are having for dinner in the near future!!

Our Story

RC Carter 3 generation cattle rancher has 40 thousands acres of ranch and therefore making it a full time job of producing nutrient meats. North central part of the state has been rancher his entire life. Soil health and what that really means is vitally important. Pretty sure that we have been doing it wrong and extremely nutrient deficient. 8/10 deaths in America are because of Metabolic deaths. Carter started a nutritional beef company that is filled with nutrients which in turn is overall better for us all. 

Where the world has ended up believing that it is to butcher old cows and he knew that there was something wrong with this picture and thus he started the beef company with high nutrient dense beef that is located in Denver & Wyoming. Regenerative agriculture which is backed by the scientists who are redefining soil health and quantifying our data. 

Being Educated On Nutritional Beef:

It’s really a different space when you are being educated in what is potentially good for us and what is not. Therefore not all products are the same. When you are purchasing meat from any grocery store you are paying for water. Thus, giving us nutrient deficient food. Some foods have been tested and one of those foods is Broccoli which studies show that it has 50% less nutrients compared back to about 50 years ago when this particular veggie had MUCH more nutrients. Now it is basically water and that is what you are paying for. 

Not All labels on the food that we eat are exactly what they say they are. Thus, we are wanting everyone to be aware that even though you are reading the label. Some labels do not have any kind of integrity. Talk about marketing and quit trusting labels. Us as humans have a knack that our taste buds have evolved and know what they taste. 

Nutritional Beef By Science Testing:

What was more nutrient density and brain cognition and very challenging. Science is proving that nutrients are provided to the body. Therefore this is something that our body truly needs in order to thrive on a daily basis. As a result, we are partnering with this nutritional beef company to bring a better and more fulfilling nutrient beef to the market. These cows are farm raised with NO add chemical or growth hormones. Making them more nutrient efficient and beef that tastes SO much better. Not to mention that the grasslands that the cows are eating from are not filled with chemicals. Much like we have in today’s society. 

What Is In Our Soil?

The US has completely changed since WWII and we need to do this to feed people of the world. Let natural ecosystems get in touch with people bigger than ourselves. Amino acid benefits are 70% higher than grass feed average. There is a new sphere of science and they are leading the charge and go buy anything and look at it. 

Every plant and animal has different DNA and thus it is different. The chemicals that the cows are eating from the land and grass are stored in fat of these animals and it’s going to flip nutrition. 

Benefits of anti inflammation, oxidants, and wonders if this cures cancer. When you eat this product you will feel the difference in your everyday life. Science is telling and nutrient density. Time will tell you more about nutrient dense food. 

Think about what we are really paying for? Water or the nutrient density. A pound of beef is not a pound if it’s full of water. Science is only going to be on side as they find more and more benefits of raising animals this way. 

Non essential 80%

Essentially 80% of the body does not make this on through foods you can get these.

Omega 3/6 ratio 

Land History:

Historically in North America there were about 40-60 million bison roaming grasslands. They were killed and therefore left with a void. Buffalo was true studards of the land. Grass has to be consumed by animals. There is so much to it. 

Animals when consumed and guts from animals it’s like looking at the stars and figuring it out. Those animals graze similarly to the bison. Cleanse the land with these cows. US cavalry and horses almost did and bisson would just smoke it. In 1923 that land had still been grazed at high density. 

Land has been experiencing long term stress from humans and completely switched from having a completely healthy land to filled with chemicals throughout the land. Being selected and taking the lessons that go back in time and the land is getting worse. 

Satisfying Hunger:

Nutritional Beef

It’s not the cow, it’s the how. Trying to gain traction and bring to the world and fix these things. Food is the strength of the nation. If you are hungry you only have one problem. Hunger for nutrients and trying to put back into the world. This beef is the most nutrient dense beef available on the market today. 

When animals would consume and gut biomes. Only 10% of the cells of a human are actually human. Fungus and bacteria. We are dirt. That’s what helps us to function. Thus, you will have the repercussions. Cows have 4 compartment stomachs and different microorganisms. Cattle is the proxy. The grass, the stomach and the saliva of the cows are in unison and therefore they work together to get what we need in our nutrients. The manure from the cows gives back to the soil making it better and healthier. The fungi and bacteria that are in the animal system. 

We Are What We Eat:

The Cows eat grass that has bacteria and likes traders and I give you this grass and then in turn you get manure and give it back to the land. Without this concept, it does not work. Comedidity system and making a prescription on how you make your food and the detriment of the ecosystem within the soil. The soil is getting less and less nutrients. Therefore providing us with nutrient dense beef.

The politicians have been playing with our food WAY too much. Therefore we need to take back what is rightfully ours. Have you heard the expression? We are what we eat and they are what they eat. This is SO very true. If you are eating the chemical in the animals then you are basically eating chemicals and putting that into your body and that is not something that we want to provide our bodies. 

We want to keep our bodies the best they can be and what better way to do so than having a nutrient based meat that TRULY has the nutrients that our bodies need to be able to function on a day to day basis. Anyone that likes a really good steak and the flavor is not there. Something is not right. Engineered meets much like we have in the economy today. This is not good for our bodies and therefore we need less chemicals in our food overall. CC meat is going to bring this nutrient based meat back into the community. 

A Really Great Steak Along With A Great Bottle Of FINE WINE!

Nutritional Beef

Having a good steak and a TRUE Fine Wine and now nutrients based meats is a WONDERFUL combination.

The cows have been roaming this specific land their entire lives and consuming native flora. Not just participating in commodity farm fields. That is what lends to nutrient beef. 

Because once you try it and taste the difference. You will be asking yourself. What have I been eating for the last 10, 20, 30, 60 years? Once you have this you WILL KNOW a difference in taste and quality. You will never know that you have beef before. 

Don’t Take Our Word For It; Try It Yourself!!

60% of our customers really like the hamburger and being a working mom. Time is of the essence and hamburger is versatile and no flavor falls flat. We personally think that you will see a difference in your everyday life. Your body will be thanking you for a much better life. 

We need to support our soils. We are so to speak borrowing it from our kids which will be the future. Food used to be sacred and now we are taking it back with one consumer at a time. Try it for yourself. We are looking to educate everyone on the beef that we are currently eating and the beef that we NEED to be eating.