Backyard Football: Connect With Family & Friends

Backyard Football is FINALLY here! This is a MUST see for any football fan; backyard and tailgating football is a favorite past time for MOST people.

Time To Play Football In Your Backyard:

Backyard Football

This is one game that is a must have for anyone. This game is for football fans everwhere. Whether you are waiting for half time on the side or just got done watching the Denver Broncos crush the Eagles! Yeah Buddy!! Get your friends and/or family out in the backyard and get a game going.

This is one thing that you will not be able to find ANYWHERE else but right here! This is a great game for all ages to be able to get out in the backyard and play a REAL game of football without have to spend thousands of dollars the get the field goals set up. (See Rule Below)

This is one game that is made for ALL skill levels. This also allows for speed and accuracy. But yet fun for all ages to be able to play and have fun while doing it.

Get Your Backyard Football Game Here!

This is a great gift for anyone that really likes football. Therefore, there are not many souls out there that would NOT want this game. This a game for all ages and a must have for every school and household. The chairs are a real thing as well. So it is a multipurpose game for all ages. This is ONE GAME that you will be SEEING around the world and everyone playing it. You can be one of many to have this wonderful set and claim yours today!

The beach, church, parks, and of course our backyards. Everyone is going to be seeing this game EVERYWHERE. This is one game we have all been waiting for. A long time at that. This game will bring people of ALL together and focus on having fun again. This wonderful games is going to be used in Church groups, school groups, P.E. Class and of course neighborhood play time.

Scoring The Game:

The Scoring is easy and the rules come with each and every kit. However, we did provide the below so that way you can see the idea for yourself.

From the fieldhouse to the backyards. This is an incredible sturdy and well built way to enjoy the game of tailgating in your very own backyard. We found this AMAZING GAME and we are sharing it with your. So what are waiting for. Get it already!!

These Rules were Literally give to me by Michael Silva over a zoom call on 7.10.21. Verbatim. The rules come with the kits, but these rules will literally get your mind running a mile a minute. You will be waiting for the package to arrive at your doorstep. To be able to call the family over, or even the guys over and get everyone to play and just have fun.

Here Are The Rules Of The Game:

Set the Chairs up 40 feet apart (suggested and skill based). For the pro’s, go ahead put them a bit further apart.

Teammates play on the same side. Play 1 on 1 up to 4 on 4. You can weight out the sides as you see fit. 1 on left, 3 on right for example. Maintaining at least 1 on each side for 2 or more sized teams

Scoring Points:

Throw into basket for a touchdown 6 points

Throw and hit any part of the chair, including the uprights is 3 points (Completion)

Defense: if the defending team catches the ball after the bounce (must hit the chair first and cannot be a caused deflection by the defense) they can take a knee for 3 points. Thus, risk it and return the ball back. If they return the ball, the defense can come to play and where they 2 hand touch are downed they get to throw the ball towards the chair for points. 1 attempt.

If playing 2 on 2, 3 on 3, or 4 on 4, the offense and defense can come to play. Blocking or lateral pitches are in play.

After Scoring Touchdown:

Kick the ball from the T. If you get through the uprights it 1 point. If it lands in the buck its called a “FITZ”. That is an INSTANT WIN for the kicking team. GAME OVER.

If the kick is wide right or wide left. It become in play. Defense can catch and return. (Same rules for interception…..return above).

WINNING TEAM: Must score 54 to win. Once a team hits 54 points, they have to win by 2 points. Once hitting winning amount. The other team (if within 7 points)

Praises Above:

If you are under by 8 pts. You can step back the manner of steps back equal to how many points you are behind. If you make it into the bucket, You win and are to be carried off while the crowd is screaming joys. Similar to the movie “RUDY”.

This Amazing game and soon to be family heirloom was brought to you by the Silva Brothers. Their names are Frank and Mike Silva. These two wonderful people are the ones that created backyard football. As a result, it was their sense of humor as well as their passion for getting everyone together and just having a great time playing football in the back yard.

Where Our Backyard Football Began:

Mike and Frank Silva are 3 years apart. These 2 wonderful people are the ones that created QB54. A game that will become a household heirloom. When they where done eating their thanksgiving dinner. They would set up two trash cans a distance from each other and just start playing. As a result, the first team to score to 54 wins the game. Where they came up with the number 54 just came out of nowhere and literally a number that came from the sky. In addition to them playing after dinner. They would find themselve playing this wonderful game with the neighbors and just having a blast doing so.

Lets ALL play together and share on social media. This is a riot game! Not to mention the best turkey ball game you will EVER come across that everyone can participate in. This incredible portable game can be played anywhere and everwhere. Therefore, You can start kicking off the fun and get yours today!!