Protect Yourself From EMF

EMF: What is EMF Protection? EMF stands for Electric magnetic fields. It is a good idea to protect yourself from these harmful waves. We are calling them waves because just like the sounds. You are not able to physically see them. However, you can hear them and you know they are there. One of the best things ever created by man was the technology and how it can transfer sound, voice, and date at amazing sizes. These are electric magnetic fields.

We have the top of the top when it comes to EMF protection. We call it tuün™ RESONATE and it helps to protect us from these harmful EMF’s.

tuün™ RESONATE: we have the best product on the market right here and its not going anywhere for EMF Protection. These have been known to create miracles unlike anything ever seen before. We are the only ones that share it here with you. So that way you are able to protect yourself, your family, and those who you care about from these harmful waves.

Additional details along with other products to help protect us from these harmful EMF’s.

EMF pollution is created by multiple things. Believe it or not, it is all around us and you are not able to see or even detect them. We are providing you with the knowledge along with the tools to help with EMF Protection. Adding solutions to this real and invisible enemy by eliminating them from our quality of life.

Now we are going to share some other products
with you that will help you even further with EMF Protection.

We found these wonderful products and are now sharing them with you. In our world today there are some things that you MUST have in your everyday life. We are currently using BIO Arv Discs for all uses. We have small ones. That we use for our everyday electronic devices. I.e. computers, phones, and tablets. You stick these discs on the back of these electronics. 

So why do you need protection for EMF (Electro magnetic fields) from all the devices that we use on our day to day basis?

Because increased levels of EMF and other electronic signals
such as those on mobile devices can cause many different symptoms.
These systems can include the following:

EMF Protection
  • Headache
  • Sleep disturbances, aka insomnia
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Tiredness & Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Changes in Memory
  • Loss of Appetite and weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness & Anxiety

On that note, none of these are fun. So we need to protect ourselves from these harmful fields and waves.

EMF Protection & Crystals With Power

Vibrations giving Natural Health & Wellness

Albert Einstein has once said that everything that we know of has vibration in life. Referring to the chakra healing crystal in that each crystal has its own unique vibration. These crystals, due to their structure and composition, give a constant frequency of vibration. In Other words their vibration does not change.

With that being said, our very own body has its own unique vibration within our body. As a result the energy vibrations are affected by many different things. Spiritual, Physical, and emotional factor are in play.

Energy Vibrations Can Change With These Crystals

Knowing this fact is extremely powerful. When a crystal comes in contact with a lower vibration crystal that crystal raises its own vibration to match that crystal. When a crystal’s frequency is at a high frequency the crystal in your body will match that crystal’s frequency. In turn this helps us because it moves past blockage that holds you back by providing a boost of uplifting and positive energy. Crystal can be natural health and wellness.

These crystals work with your goals & desires in a much similar way. Because the crystal has a strong, positive energy, it amplifies and magnifies your own energy and thus those intentions are manifesting them more effectively and fast at that. By wearing these crystals close to your body, it creates remarkable results.

Science & Crystals

Now that we know everyone has their very own perspective on different energy and how energy works. Please do NOT dismiss this work, as it is important to understand this. There is (posibily to your surprise) scientific evidence that is relating your body’s energy to the power of crystals.

One of the first studies was done by Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist. While microscopically studying the growth of crystals he observed that their shape took different forms, depending on what he was thinking. His hypothesis was that these vibrations are the result of the molecular bonds constantly assembling and disassembling. His study of Clear Quartz proved that rocks can store thoughts much like how tapes use magnetic energy to record sound. 

Energy Field Within The Human Body

EMF Protection

Everyone has their own energy field around their body that can not be changed or altered. However, we can within ourselves produce negative energy. As a result, we can work on balancing our very own Chakras in order to control our energy and keep it positive.

Today, life is full of emotional stress and full of pressure in general. Sleeping for instance is becoming an issue for most people. By putting crystals inside the bedroom you are able to improve some of those problems as well as relieving stress and help to achieve a more stable mood. These crystals should be placed in several places around your home and office. To help protect you from negative energy. Now if you are still not getting a good nights sleep, then go ahead and check out this product produced with nanotechnology.

EMF Can Be Harmful:

Pretty much everyone in today’s economy has a mobile device of some sort. Most of us have tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, and the list goes on and on. All of these electronics put off some sort of EMF and thus hurt our bodies.

As a result we need to protect ourselves from these harmful and bad energies. By placing these crystals you spend most of your time helping to eliminate these bad energies. This is a company that has products to help improve ambient radiation at a wide pricing range.

Where do EMFs come from?

EMFs are practically in ALL electronics throughout your house. With that in mind you are putting your health and life at risk. We use an AED to put our hearts back into rhythm. Radiation, which is produced with high amounts of electricity. We use it to treat cancer. Nuclear radiation is also a source of EMF. These are just a few examples of high risk EMF’s

Low risk fields are more in use in our everyday life, Routers, phones, appliances, microwaves and even light bulbs. One quick fact about the sun. The very thing that gives us natural light produces EMFs in the form of UV rays. That is why our skin burns. Skin poisoning occurs with having too much fun in the sun. 

Energy With EMF Protection:

Everything that is within our universe has some sort of energy. When chakras are in balance, our lives are in harmony as well as overall good health. If a chakra becomes exposed to negative energy and becomes blocked. We are able to start experiencing emotional distress and disease. When we wear a our emf protectors and maintain our health, we help fix any issues before more arise and become worse.

Disclaimer: We are not medical experts and nor do we claim to be.